Understand your Human Design

Espresso reading

Who is this for?

You have never been in touch with Human Design before, and are curious to
find out more about your chart?
The Espresso Offering is a first compact introduction, transmitted by voice note
(no live session).

What to expect:

Get a first overview and idea of your design and see what it does to you!
You listen to it whenever you like and feel into what unfolds for you…

20 minutes personalized Voice Note for an energy exchange of €33 / R300

Intro Reading

Who is this for?

You want to really get to it, get in connection with yourself?
You are ready to explore your own Design, or rather yourself, and start unfolding the layers?

You are perceptive to observing what is conditioning vs. the magic of your own individual being?

What to expect:

We will enter some major aspects, namely your energetic type, your strategy and your (decision making) authority.

Learning about Type and Strategy gives you practical information on how you exchange energy with the world.

In this sense, your Strategy serves as your “sacred GPS”.

Learning about your Authority gets you in touch with your way of knowing what’s right for you. It supports in decision making and is how your body tells you the answer.

This intro will already keep you busy for some time, reflecting on yourself, your way of living and how you are / have been navigating through life.

You will get an understanding and practical inspiration on how to read your inner compass, and keep up your life force.

You will start sensing how to get to / remain on your soul journey and getting in touch with your natural way of knowing from your higher self what your path is.

Your Profile / your Vehicle

Who is this for?

You have done a first intro reading and want to go explore further?

Diving deeper into your Lines and Profile helps you to understand and embrace the character you play on the stage of life. 

Your profile is your companion for life and reflects what it is that drives you (conscious) as well as how others perceive you (subconscious). 

It helps to embrace who you are and naturally exist in the world, and let go of aspects you may think or been taught / conditioned are wrong.

What to expect:

Your profile is made up of the lines of the gates in your conscious (at moment of birth) and unconscious (90 days before birth) sun.

The lines come from the I’Ching imprint in your design, an ancient Chinese wisdom, and correlate with the 6 lines of an I’Ching hexagram.

They can be compared with archetypes.

There are 12 combination of lines, making up one’s profile. Depending on the constellation, your karma has a personal touch vs a collective or transpersonal karma and way of  in this lifetime.

This session covers your lines and profile and will help you understand your vehicle in this lifetime, giving you a bigger picture of the overarching story of your life.

Energy Center deep dive (+ Gates)

Who is this for?

You processed your first inputs and want to dig deeper? 

Love it!!

What to expect:

The energy centers are represented by the nine geometrical shapes on your chart.

These centers are rooted in the chakra system, each shape representing a different type of energy, and as a whole being the energetic set up you are born with.

A colored / “Defined” Energy Center means that you have consistency and reliability in the way you experience the particular energy that Center represents. This Defined energy is somewhat fixed for you and you are broadcasting this energy out into the world – influencing and inspiring others.

A white or “Open”/(“Undefined”) Energy Center means that you experience that particular energy in very many ways.

You are taking in / receiving the energy here from others around you – and amplifying it.

The Open Centers can be areas of sensitivity for you, given that you are receptive to what is going on around you in an amplified way – it will feel “even bigger” than the original energy you received.

But because you get to experience this energy in so many ways, this learning and experience of them can make you become very wise about the energies they carry.

Along with their own specific energies, each of the centers, whether „Defined“ or „Undefined“, have real abilities of strength and wisdom.

We dive deeper into the individual 9 energy centers and take a look at the constellation and connection of them.

Recognizing where you are „Defined“ vs. „Undefined“ helps you navigate life experiences as well as your role in relationships with others.

It helps to differentiate and keep you from identifying with what is NOT you and help you understand what you are amplifying out to the world.

In the large version we include a deeper dive into the gates within the energy centers, as well as their connections – channels / your specific talents.

Also we will dig into your  life purpose

We speak about how your energy interacts with others, get decision making flow going.

Your Design as a Painting

Would you like to have your very own, individual design as a beautiful handmade painting?

A gifted artist, a true healer herself, will create a beautiful image – and integrate your personal flavor.

Cost: €100 / 1000Rand

Develop an understanding of your true self

I cannot wait to share the beauty and depth of Human Design with you and witness you grow and glow.

The energy exchange will be based on an hourly rate.

After dozens of readings I have experienced each individual with very different needs and space for discussion and questions.

This is exactly how it should be!

We should ideally start with an Intro reading –

And take it from there based on your needs.

My offering will thus be based on an energy exchange of €100 / R800 per hour so that we can go as slow, deep, wide as you prefer!

How I work


  • All readings done via video call
  • (Microsoft Teams)
  • Exception: Espresso intro reading via voice note, shared with you within 72h

Make an Appointment

Let me know which offering you’re interested in & share your exact birth details with me: date, time, place.

Open Hours

We agree on a time that suits you!